Now, every time you call MoveNext on this iterator, your code will execute until it finds the first yield statement (whether it be yield return or yield break). Execute line of code after returning value. Why is break required after yield return in.

Wenn eine yield return -Anweisung im Iterator erreicht wir wird ein expression-Ausdruck zurückgegeben, und die aktuelle Position im Code wird beibehalten. When a yield return statement is reached in the iterator metho expression is returne and the current location in code is retained. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find.
A normal return has two functions: Mark the return value of the function. Transfer control to the caller. After a yield return statement the program execution continues on the next line, where a break is needed in your sample, just as in any other switch-case. When you use the yield contextual keyword in a statement, you indicate that the metho operator, or get accessor in which it appears is an iterator. During the course of a series of method extractions, code movement, and general refactoring, I wound up with some code that passed the various unit tests in place but failed curiously at runtime.
On each successive iteration of the foreach loop (or the direct call to IEnumerator.MoveNext), the next iterator code body resumes after the previous yield return statement. Er springt dann zur nächsten yield return -Anweisung weiter, bis das Ende des Iteratortexts erreicht ist, oder bis er auf eine yield break-Anweisung trifft. In this post I want to explain what it does and what its applications are. Even if most developers have heard of yield return it’s often misunderstood.
Each time the yield return statement executes, the client has access to another element in the set. Essentially the set trickles back a little at a time. This can provide a gain in performance or perceived performance if you have a large set to return.
The function ends when flow of control reaches the end of the function body. Using yield return makes the code shorter than creating and populating e. And there is no temp table, no yield return being used here. Writing yield return we indicate that current method returns IEnumerable, which elements are of yield return expressions. After yield method stops its execution, it returns control to caller. Can somebody show me a practical usage (along explanation) of this keywor and.
Now I am making a game and I want to use it, so anybody that can help me out with a good explanation, please no websites, just a clean explanation by yourself. Alright so I understand that a yield are basically like bookmarks of code. However, I thought they were bookmarks until the next time the function is called. But again, the compiler returns an error: unable to load message string from resources.

This is very useful when I have an List Task,that task can be download HTML from a URL and I use the syntax yield return await task, the result is I want IEnumerableFoo. Here is the real programming code in my project. The declaration of yield must meet the following requirements.
Don’t use ref or out keyword with the parameters of metho operator or property. The return type of yield must be IEnumerable or IEnumerator object of values. An iterator uses the yield return statement to return each element one at a time. In short - the compiler takes your yield keyword and generates an entire class in the IL to support the functionality.
You can check out the page after the jump and check out the code that gets generated. You can use yield return WaitForSeconds to wait for the specified time. The code then continues after that line. EDIT: Alright, well, there is no built-in way to return values. Interesting link robert, thanks.
NET Reflector, we can see what code is generated. The MyEnumerable() function returns a new instance of a compiler generated. Also, have you tried putting a Debug. Then after adding it to the list called _data, it returns to the loop, but this time, it starts the operation from the next element in the list, in other words it starts processing the fifth element, 87.
In this way it goes back to the calling code again and returns to process the next element at the sixth position, 89. In a way similar (kind of inverted) to passing a delegate into a method which allows you to inject specific logic within another metho closures. Betrachten Sie dieses bisschen verschleierten Code. Das Ziel ist, über den anonymen Konstruktor ein neues Objekt zu erstellen und es zurückzugeben.
Das Ziel ist es, zu vermeiden, dass eine lokale Sammlung gepflegt werden muss, um sie einfach return. The real power lies in the lazy evaluation. Iterator block implementation details: auto-generated state machines Introduction.
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