These layouts are really good at defending various attacks like Valkyries, bowlers and miners. We have included a video on town hall attacking strategies at the end of this blog post. So, without further ado, lets get level war base designs right now. Maintaining and building both bases at town hall can be hard.

Is there any alternative? I have here two bases for you that I have been testing for a few weeks – 1x war base for THand 1x trophy base. In addition, I don’t just show you the base design, I will also show you how it performed against different attacking strategies that are popular at Town Hall and what defensive features make these bases working well. To do that, you can create an anti-air base.
This is helpful if the opponent launches an air attack on your base with the Inferno placement. If you layout your base in compartments strategically, that will make it hard for Valkyries to attack. On the lookout to get a stable thbase war which may allow you to protect your celebrities into clan wars?

You are at the perfect location! All layouts here comprise the. COC THBase Designs coc thbase design anti everything for war. The design is broken up into multiple squares earning each region of the layout powerful and hard.
Utilize this particular base in thwars and acquire some fantastic ones! Black Elixir within this highly effective thwar design. Launch an attack in the simulator or modify with the base builder. When it comes to finding the best THwar base , you need bases that have been proven to succeed. That’s what we do here at CoCStars.
All of these bases have been BATTLE TESTED! Since we are constantly trying out new bases and. Well, here is a complete guide for you to make one for yourself. This clash of clans thwar base is my favorite town hall bases that I’ve tried already which is very effective to win the clash of clans ( COC ) game. This is the COC best war base ththat I collect in many situations I observe and I found that the base layout is very useful for winning the game.
You can try it in yourself and I hope. THWar Bases 4: The above war base of town hall looks like most complicated war base but most success full war base. XBos and Inferno Towers around town hall. If your hall safe that mean you save two star against your opponent. LEVEL PEKKA vs ALL DEFENCES!
Cool THWar Base Layouts One of my favorite THWar Base with really powerful Trap funnels (Barracks are overlooking here but you also can place them anywhere) This base includes a long range Core Protection installment plus a Spring Entice Funnel. Anti giants, ballons and healers thwar base. Good design Good and tested thwar base layout.
Please share great TH10. View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Millennial Club Join Date Posts 261. No comments: Post a Comment. The next THfarming base is as wonderful as the other or we tend to shoud say better! This farming base provides a hundred protection to Dark Elixir storages and there’s no probability that any enemy will ever funnel his troops in.
The better our base , would be more difficult to destroy. If you’ve been at Town Hall for any amount of time, you’ll know that when it comes to war , you’ll need to be clever when it comes to designing a thwar base. Town hall war base anti everything. Also Read: How to get unlimitedon FB photos and status’ Final words.
Clash of Clans video - clashtrack. I have been playing coc for years and these were my collection of, “best Town Hall thwar base layouts ” I know these. Anti full bintang (lavalon, bowler, valkri) semua tdk bisa nebus 3b (utk th yg sama).
Untuk pasukan max thpun. Best thwar base with bomb tower. Lets Play the CoC Builder Base Episode 30! Download We are preparing the link.
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