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Von Generator bis Wäsche. Alles finden, was Sie brauchen. Wir machen die Rückgabe einfach. Moloch is the biblical name of a Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice, through fire or war. The name of this deity is also sometimes spelled Molech, Milcom, or Malcam.
Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Moloch synonyms, Moloch pronunciation, Moloch translation, English dictionary definition of Moloch. In the Bible, the god of the Canaanites and Phoenicians to whom children were sacrificed. Something possessing the power to exact. In John Miltons Epos Paradise Lost ist Moloch einer der Höllenfürsten.

Er liebt Kinderblut und Elterntränen und spricht sich für einen erneuten offenen Krieg gegen den Himmel aus. Semitic god to whom children were sacrificed… See the full definition. JOIN MWU Gain access to thousands of additional definitions and advanced search features—.
The cult of Moloch became especially widespread at a later time in Carthage (introduced by the Phoenicians), as is testified by thou-sands of urns found with the ashes of children and by numerous inscriptions. The purpose and meaning of this ritual remain somewhat unclear. As an epithet,“ Moloch ” has come to mean a fearsome, insatiable force. I’m sure a lot of people would agree that we live in strange times.

And what’s this about fish. Ammonites, to whom children were sacrificed by fire. He was the consuming and destroying and also at the same time the purifying fire.
In Amos 5:2 your Moloch of the Authorized Version is your king in the Revised Version (Compare Acts 7:43). Define ‘ Moloch ’ as used in the Bible. Locate examples of ‘ Moloch ’ in Bible verses. Moloch horridus, an Australian lizard thought to be the sole member of the genus Moloch.
Moloch is also identified with Baal Hammon in Carthaginian religion. Information and translations of Moloch in the most comprehensive. Definition of Moloch in the Definitions. The name Moloch is ranked on the 9321st position of the most used names.
We estimate that there are at least 4persons in the world having this name which is around 0. Moloch explores companionship, intimacy and dictatorship. It means that it is relatively medium-length, compared to the other names. It was commercially distributed by Koch Lorber Films. Moloch represents authority, those who tell us how we can and cannot live. Ginsberg proclaims this when he calls Moloch “the heavy judger of men,” (“Howl” Line 81) meaning he has the power to give and take, a reference to capitalism, which is a system where the means of production and distribution are owned by private corporations.
An indepth look at the meaning and etymology of the awesome name Molech. Proper usage and audio pronunciation of. The term Moloch is believed to have originated with the Phoenician mlk, which referred to a type of sacrifice made to confirm or acquit a vow. Melekh is the Hebrew word for “king. Moloch , a Canaanite deity associated in biblical sources with the practice of child sacrifice.
Getting back to the worship of Moloch , people still wear the horns of Moloch as jewelry, referred to as the Italian Horn. This is the second part of the full post that started out at Decoding Illuminati SymbolisMoloch, Owls and the Horns of Satan: Part which details the background of Moloch , owls, horns of Satan, and the occult significance of them. Head over there if you started on Part on accident. Moloch Canaanite god frequently mentioned in Scripture, said to have been propitiated by sacrificing children (Leviticus xviii.21), from Latin Moloch , from Greek Molokh , from Hebrew molekh , from melekh king, altered by the Jews with the vowel points from basheth shame to express their horror of the worship. Moloch worship was practiced by the Canaanites, Phoenician and related cultures in North Africa and the Levant.
Many of the Moloch albums are completely analog.
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