Notice the call to yield break. In effect, it is exiting the enumeration early. In the above example, yield break exits the method without making the call to Debug. Methods that contain unsafe blocks.

For more information, see unsafe. Eine yield break -Anweisung kann sich in einem try- oder catch-Block befinden, nicht jedoch in einem finally-Block. A yield return statement can be located in the try block of a try-finally statement. A yield break statement can be located in a try block or a catch block but not a finally block.
In other words, yield break for an iterator is the same as return for a standard method. Is yield break equivalent to returning. Yield break can be put in the try block and catch, but not placed in the finally block. Do not put yield in an unsafe block.

This answer does not sound right to me. Rangeクラスの実装/yeild break 文による中断 3. yield は予約語ではない/1つのクラスに複数の列挙機能を付ける/自動的に作られる. Jamie King of Neumont University demonstrating yield break.
Whereas, the break statement just terminates the closest loop. Lambda expressions and anonymous methods. This video also shows how yield can be used to provide infinitely long lists of data. Tip: This behavior does not exist in the Common Language Runtime. Yield return is similar to a return statement (which passes control flow to the calling method), followed by a goto to the yield statement in the next iteration of the foreach.
In this post I want to explain what it does and what its applications are. Here the compiler generates code that terminates the method from being called again after it returns. The functions to return them work quite differently from usual functions. Note: In this sense, the yield break statement is more final than the yield return statement. Block noch in einem try-Block verwendet werden, wenn Letzterer eine catch-Klausel hat.
The declaration of yield must meet the following requirements. The yield break statement is useful to end the iteration. IEnumerableT类型的集合,而不想把数据一次性加载到内存,就可以考虑使用 yield return的方式去实现. In this article, we will be discussing this keyword to understand the basic functionality that this keyword provides.
Referenztypen dürfen dabei nicht mit Zeigern gleichgesetzt werden, wie sie u. You can manually do this by having the for-each yourself. It does not let you yield another enumerator and then flatten for you. A thread has some state (I.e. values of local variables), and each time it is scheduled it takes some action(s) in order to reach a new state. People talk about a “state machine”, but a state machine is all a “thread” really is. At any time she has the control, she can also break out of her loop if, for example, her own caller has signaled there is no need for further items.
So yes, yield return is great as long as readers understand why, not how. This begs the question when is yield return not recommended? If a calling function starts foreach-ing over this object the function is called again until it “yields”. MSDN所查,聊下 yield 关键字,它是我们简化迭代器的关键.
Skip Navigation Links Home: Jump statements: yield. Now I am making a game and I want to use it, so anybody that can help me out with a good explanation, please no websites, just a clean explanation by yourself. I believe Java just recently introduced lambdas and closures with Java 1. Das Schlüsselwort yield gehört seit Version 2. Fast jeder Entwickler hat schon einmal etwas darüber gelesen, doch mehr als die Erinnerung daran ist oft nicht geblieben. Dabei kann yield ausgesprochen hilfreich sein – zahlreiche Aufgaben lassen sich mit seiner Mitwirkung deutlich eleganter lösen.
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Whenever you have a situation where a coroutine would never yield return, yield return that coroutine instead. Never use yield break , and make sure that every branch in a coroutine has a yield return.
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