Unsubscribe from kclovesgaming? It allows users to create and maintain their own version of Springfield. The Simpsons Tapped Out Hack - CLICK HERE!

Hier könnt Ihr alles rund um neue Events oder Updates posten. Hatte ich in den Update News vergessen zu schreiben, danke für den Hinweis. Für Forumsmitglieder ist immer ein Platz frei. Die- Simpsons - Tapped - Out.
Bitte Anmelden oder Registrieren um der Konversation beizutreten. It included new buildings and decorations for Krustylan and introduced a new character, Princess Penelope. Krustyland Tickets can now be bought for: for 50 for 50 and for 000. Dies ist die neue Seite von tappedout. Eine Benutzeranmeldung gibt es nicht mehr.
Times and seasons have changed. In this TSTO let’s play series you will be able to see what I have been doing in my town recently, with all the updates that come with events! The time when you couldn’t enjoy Simpsons Tapped Out due to insufficient resources are over.
Now you can enjoy Simpsons Tapped Out the way you want, thanks to this hack, which enables you to have as much resources as possible. Mal schauen was das neue Event oder Update bringt. Vielleicht wissen wir in ein paar Stunden schon mehr. Du suchst nach Simpson Bekleidung? Finde Angebote zum Schnäppchen-Preis.
Anmeldesystem zum Spiel hinzu, wodurch du vom Spiel abgemeldet wirst. Melde dich einfach wieder an, um zu deinem Springfield zur. The event started with the short quest Inter-State Debacle, followed by the main questline State of Mine.
Happy tapping ☝ — Teamtsto. To whom it may consider, Teamtsto is not affiliated with EA Mobile, Fox Digital Entertainment or Gracie Films. Any downtime will be felt by.
Expand for more options. See the designs of other players, and post your screenshots. What have you done with Treehouse of Horror. Die Simpsons : Springfield am PC – Mit Homer und Co.
Nachdem die App erfolgreich auf die Festplatte geladen wurde, könnt ihr das Spiel direkt über den Bluestacks Player starten. With this android emulator app you will be able to. Just going to build one more Kwik-E-Mart.

Created by the minds behind the beloved animated series, Tapped Out is a captivating and clever App Store favorite, riffing on city-building games, the Simpsons themselves, and so much more. Since update on the Simpsons tapped out to v4. If this is the case for you then read on because this page is just for you. Wir empfehlen die Verwendung von Bluestacks, da sie zu den besten auf dem Markt gehören. It looks like you're new here.
Windows vor Version funktioniert nicht. If you want to get involve click one of these buttons! Download The latest Mod apk v4. This hack works for iOS, Android and PC! I love Tapped Out , been playing for years.
My Kindle is about a year old and they have been working on it for at least five days now. Hey I still have the Simpsons babies update even after a month my game is updated but the quests are still here I don’t know how to get rid of them. I also have quests from who shot mr burns, please help!
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