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Wir machen die Rückgabe einfach. Goo and im sorry, i hope i could help you, but i don’t save any replay of gowipe that starred maxed th9. Für den Angriff werden beide Helden benötigt. Zusätzlich sind Helden unter Level fast nutzlos.
Ausführung: Als erstes müssen die Golems gesetzt werden, so. COC THWar Base Design Anti stars with links. Pushing the valks inside the layout is the strategy every attacker use.
But with this particular village design, pushing them inside will be a hard task! As you can see, the base is divided into two sections and a lot of buildings are placed. Clash of clans: GOWIPE IS BACK! Best Town hall Thattack strategy?
A solid troop composition to start with is Golems, PEKKAs, Wizards, Wall Breakers, and Archers if you are at TH9. You will have to make adjustments if at THas you have less troop space. Of course, these troops should be as high level as possible for maximum effectiveness.

Max level wizards or a 4th. Launch an attack in the simulator or modify with the base builder. Man erreicht zwar selten Sterne, aber diese Taktik verspricht einen guten und sicheren 2-Sterne-Angriff im Clankrieg auch gegen Rh 9er.